Thursday 16 July 2020

A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood

So back to Florida.

What could be nicer than a relaxing swim in the ocean.

This is  a screen grab from a video following three stingrays, gliding gracefully through the water. Accompanied by beautiful, tranquil music.

But they weren't counting on Hellboy - a very sunburned "Florida man" - making an appearance!

As one commentator observed, “The story here, at least the one anybody actually cares about, is the red dude! Ain’t nobody thinking about the damn stingrays! … Except maybe wondering what they thought when they encountered their 1st red human being. Who the hell is he?”

But he does look a lot like Hellboy.

Way to go Florida man!  We can always count on you.  But tonight you're gonna feel like Hell, boy!

So let's look at a traditional view of Florida's COVID situation.  This chart has blue bars as daily cases and a red line showing 7 day averages.

And as a comparison, here is the Ontario chart.

Couple of points:
  • the key to reading two line charts is that if you can see the red line easily, the trend is downwards  If the red line is inside the bar bars, the trend is increasing.
  • so generally for the most part for Ontario you can see the red line.  Florida, not so much.
  • at its highest, Ontario's rate was about 30 cases per million population.  At its lowest, Florida's rate was 50, and has gone up from there.
  • now, in Florida's defense, we now know that for COVID, density kills.  So Florida has more population than Ontario, but only 15% of the land mass.  So its density is ten times as high as Ontario.  So they are rolling a rock up a big hill to start with.
  • plus they have way more...wait for it....shotgunning beer bros!

Party on, Garth!

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