Friday 10 July 2020

They're Baaaaaack.....

No, not them.

Them.  Windsor COVID cases.

And just when you thought we had this licked.  [As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

Looking at Ontario's COVID case history... can see yesterday's blip.

And it ripples all the way up to the Canadian stats.  Makes us all look like a bunch of boobs.

So as a public service, we asked the two smartest men in the world to demonstrate the proper Canadian technique for social distancing.

They weren't available, so these two stood in.

Pretty damn close!

Keep a hockey stick length between you and your buddy at all times.  An occasional butt end in the gut is acceptable, too.


Rob Greenfield said...


northerndreamer said...

Those head coverings must help too. No way I'd get close to anyone looking like that on a boat in the middle of a lake.

Urban Cowboy said...

I don't know, Dave, I've seen you wear some pretty interesting chapeaux in your day!

Patricia said...

hahahaha! what girl could say no to those dashing toques? Uh... hmmmm...

Urban Cowboy said...

Let's just leave it at "Uhhh..."