Sunday 19 July 2020

Just When You Thought Florida Couldn't Get Any Worse

...or stupider.

Sure, everybody is having COVID parties.  But these seem to be more industrial strength,

Upwards of 400 people mass on the streets.  Orchestrated by local gangs.

Like most COVID parties, the objective is to...well...catch COVID.

I'm not sure what the gangs are getting out of this, though.  Its not like they're seven year old boys sticking boogies on your neck.  Heh, heh, heh.....'s Florida. That's all you need to know.

And to re-quote a good friend of mine.....

And you also need to know that in the last seven days, the Miami/Palm Beach/Ft Lauderdale area has had.....

...35,000 cases!  The entire country of Canada, since this whole thing has started, has had 110,000 cases.

Sure, those south-eastern cities make up a lot of the population.  But this area and the Tampa/Orlando area account for 70% of all the cases in Florida.

So there's something funkadelic going on there.

And let's take a look at those 110,000 cases in Canada.

As previously reported, a bit of a toe stub recently as some precincts have re-opened bars and restaurants.  So let's hope they can tamp down any flare ups.

Because we certainly don't want to end up like our good friends to the south.  Luckily we have some of the finest minds at work to keep us safe.

[Another Mr. Boffo, courtesy of Joe Martin.]

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