Tuesday 21 July 2020

Good God, Maude!

What the H-E double hockey sticks is going on with Canada's COVID cases?

[As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

Well, I'll tell you.  Or show you, anyway.

Alberta is blowing up in our face.  As is Quebec, and also BC to a lesser extent.

Ontario has had a slight uptick, but that is due to the farming regions, as shown yesterday.

Page down to see the chart.  Oh, are you that lazy!?  Okay, here it is again.

So it ain't Toronto.

But as everyone gets excited about the next phase of re-opening, be careful what you wish for,

But there is some good news; deaths due to COVID are down dramatically.

Maybe that's because this time, it's all the young punks getting the disease.  And they are immortal!!

I've used this picture so much I've worn it out.

But when the time comes for them, maybe I can recommend a good doctor.

[Mr. Boffo, from the mind of Joe Martin.]


Rob Greenfield said...

I don't think re-opening bars is a good thing, yet. Too many folks seem to think Phase 3 means there's nothing to worry about.

Urban Cowboy said...

And that includes folks of all ages. Because as soon as the drinks come out, everyone reverts to their old ways.