Tuesday 14 July 2020

I Wanna Go To Miami!

At least that what it looks like Alberta, Quebec and BC are thinking.  [As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

Everybody, except the centre of the universe, Ontario, is headed in the wrong direction.  In fact, Ontario is the only one headed in the right direction.

What could be the difference?

The other three have all "re-opened" business in the last while.  So be careful what you wish for.

Because wanna see what that could look like after a little while longer...?

I'm not suggesting that there are as many shotgunning beer bros in Edmonton as Miami, but if you look at the blue Alberta line, the recent trend looks familiar.

One big difference. of course - the Alberta rate is 15.  The Miami rate over 500!

But Montreal has also had a bunch of recent cases in the 20-30 demographic from nightclubs.

I have no lived experience to support this, but I suspect when the drinks start being poured and the stories start being told, social distancing takes second seat to "I love you, man!".

"Let's shotgun some beers, bro!"

I am getting a lot of good use out of that picture, huh,

 Anyway, play safe out there.

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