Wednesday 29 July 2020

How Far The Mighty Have Fallen

Which is a good thing.  If you live in Toronto.

The rest of Canada had been cluck-cluck-clucking about how dreadful things were in the Big Smoke.

Nobody wanted Torontonians coming to their neck of the woods.  Especially if those woods had nice lakes.

So let's look at the 7 day average of COVID cases in Toronto and in the ROC (Rest Of Canada) as it stands now.

[Click on this graph to zoom in and see the amazing recovery of Toronto!]

While we had been getting daily lectures and finger wags from the medical officers of our Western provinces, we had been slowly getting our act together.

Sure, early on we were off the charts.  But.....

So Canada overall......

Too early to tell if we've turned the corner, again, as we did in the beginning of May.

But a lot of it is up to those young'uns.  Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of faith in their intelligence.


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