Monday 20 July 2020

The Usual Suspects

As mentioned yesterday, Ontario has stumbled a bit in its COVID flattening efforts.

Here is the Ontario picture.  The last two days uptick courtesy of the usual suspects in the south west.

So who are they?  This is a chart of three days of cases. And, as usual, some old bad actors are still at it.

Except that usual bad actor, Toronto, is way down the list.

Well, I guess not way down, but 5th.  Right around the Ontario average.

So could today be the day the Premier releases the hounds - to go to bars - at least for Toronto?

While we are waiting for that answer, I'm guessing no one answered this question correctly in 2015;  "What do you see yourself doing five years from now."

1 comment:

Hanna said...

Yes did not realize to announce in a job interview in 2015 that my 5y plan was to start working from home full time :) also thank you again for the very informative updates! Helps to give a summary of what's happening in Canada when I talk to all the across-the-Atlantic relatives who want to know how well we are behaving!