Thursday, 2 April 2020

240,000 Deaths!?

That's what the latest models are saying for the likely number of US deaths due to the Coronavirus!

What the.....?

How they hey did they come up with that number?

Well, I don't think you need any fancy modeling, just a few assumptions. And here they are:
  1. assume COVID-19 death rate same as regular flu:         0.1%
  2. assume percentage of Americans eventually infected @ 75% (nobody has immunity)
  3. US population:  330,000,000
Now, do the math:

          Deaths = 330,000,000  x  0,001  x  0.75  = 247,500

Do you feel lucky punk?  Well do ya?

Now some of you may say, Hey, UC, the death rate is closer to 1%, not 0.1%.   And if that is true, that's when you get the US death toll up to two and a million.  Whoo boy!

So back to Canada....

New cases holding steady.

But we all know that's because those lazy ass bastards in Ontario have taken the Urban One's advice and stopped testing!

Okay, maybe not.

Deaths (below) don't lie, though.

Interesting statistic from yesterday, of Ontario's 37 Coronavirus deaths, 30 of them have been in long term care homes.

The lesson from that? Don't get old!

Oh oh - too late!


Gordon Tripe said...

Lazy ass? Is that a syndrome? Like Lazy Eye?

Rob Greenfield said...

testing testing testing
that's what we need more of

Urban Cowboy said...

I got that from a Finnish comedian, trying to understand what "ass" really means in English.