Saturday, 11 April 2020

Global View

Haven't shown the global view for a while.  And while we can get lost in the weeds of everything very local and Canuckleheaded, interesting to see what is happening outside our walls.

This chart shows Deaths/million population on the horizontal axis and Cases/million population on the vertical axis.  I've also included some US states.

[As always, click the graphs to zoom in.]

Disturbing to see what a tough time a lot of those American states are having (highlighted in orange).

And although Canada, in red, is tucked in there way down in the lower left corner, maybe it is just a matter of time before we climb up that parade list.  Fingers crossed it is not.

Also interesting is the position of the USA overall, also in red, just up and to the right of Canada.  With several large states so far up and away, this means the vast majority of the states are almost virus free.  Many of these are the small, so called fly-over states, that maybe don't get a lot of visitors, foreign or domestic.

Now, maybe you are thinking, well their cases are low because they are small.  Well, 1) these are per captia measures and 2) some of the smallest countries in the world have the highest rates of infection and death.

For example, San Marino, a small enclave within Italy, has the highest infection and mortality rate in the world, at 10,000 & 1,000 respectively.  You can imagine how far off the chart it would be.

Okay, you don't have to imagine.......

Many smaller countries are right in there with some of the hardest hit European countries and US states.  Canada, again - still - tucked in there in the lower left.

And speaking of Canada,,,,,

New COVID cases seem to have leveled out, at least temporarily.

And deaths as well, sort of.....

And just an observation, as I look in the mirror as I sing Happy Birthday several times a day washing my hands; we have to cut our hair and our eyebrows, but why don't we have to cut our eyelids. What's going on?

And tomorrow, more interesting observations about other hair growth areas......

Just kidding.  I'll post about that later today.


Patricia said...

And here's a break from the bar international FB page, View from my Window...inspiring connectedness, sometimes heartbreaking, but mostly "we're all in this together." We are a small world afterall. <3

Gordon Tripe said...

I have fond memories of celebrating your birthday by wearing a fake moustache.

Rob Greenfield said...

hahaha, and glasses, surprise

Urban Cowboy said...

Ha ha. Mine wasn't fake, but don't have to worry about hair there any more.