Tuesday, 28 April 2020

April 27th COVID Stats

Well, the 7 day trend of new COVID is starting to go in the right direction....

[As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

...but the last few days haven't.

And recent deaths have taken an upturn.

Yesterday...wait for it...Quebec had 84 deaths and Ontario spiked to 57.  So unfortunately, almost looks like the 26th was an aberration.

So I guess for the short term all we can do is - what's that old American Express commercial -

Don't Leave Home Without It!

New meaning today.

Some ideas are better than others......


That's not me, by the way.  Although I could certainly understand any confusion.

Some ideas are worse than others......


Thinking I might rather have the virus.

And lots of ideas in between.....

Little Big Man Syndrome...

I Could Do That...

Awww, Mom!

Uhhhh?  Okay.....


Rob Greenfield said...

I'm not wearing one

northerndreamer said...

Hey Jim,
Happy to see you're home and safe and still funnier than Rob. He might be the better singer. Take care amigo...until we can do the in-person thing again.

Urban Cowboy said...

That's because you would scare people! Think of Chris in her wrestling mask. Well, it's a toss up either way.

And yeah, Dave, hopefully we can all clink glasses before too long.