Thursday, 16 April 2020

April 15 COVID Stats

I have added a new line, a rolling 7 day average, to the New Cases chart, to get a sense of any trends.

[As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

So perhaps the Canadian rate of new cases is starting to level out.

Deaths, almost half of which are in long term care homes, continue at a high level.

Yesterday's split equally between Quebec & Ontario.

Now, going back to taking a higher level view, comparing Canada & the US in "Cases per Million Population"....

The last time I showed this was April 3rd. At the time I speculated that maybe the US was just farther into this than Canada and that our rate would eventually catch up to the US.

Since then the gap has only widened.  So far, so good.  For Canada, anyway!

Now taking a higher, global view.   [Boy, some of those US states are really taking it in the shorts.]

So from looking globally, social distancing looks to be working up here in Canada. Maybe Canadians are better at following the guidelines than the Americans, or the Italians or the Spanish.

And what's the old story?  How do you get 50 Canadians out of a pool?  You say, "You Canadians, get out of the pool."


Rob Greenfield said...

not going in the pool, I can't swim

Gordon Tripe said...

It’s like having a Power Point presentation in your hand! Or something like that.

Urban Cowboy said...

Actually, VIP members do get this as a PowerPoint presentation. And a free subscription to the podcast. Of course, since it is free, you get what you pay for.....

Unknown said...

I've come to rely on today's "Thoughts". Keep up the good work!