Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Testing...Testing...Part Deux

COVID testing in Ontario continues to lag all other provinces.  And continues to lag their own directives.

The Premier, Doug Ford, is mystified as to why they are not testing at its alleged capacity of 13,000 per day.

And I'm mystified why he's mystified.  It can't be that hard to figure out.

If I was Premier here's what I would do.  Free beer for everyone!  Okay, then after that, I'd get out a map of Ontario.

And then I'd get the Health Department people to show me where all the COVID testing centres are in Ontario.  And put red dots on that map.

Then have them tell me how many tests each centre can do.  And it should add to 13,000.  As an example:

And then each day have them tell me how many tests were done at each centre.  If there are only 6,000 tests, it would be easy to identify who is lagging.  As another example.....

Then kick their ass!  I mean, investigate the root cause of the delays.

There, I've done it for him.

Now where's that beer?


RainbowMoonbeam said...

Cool! But how do I know what number applies to which center? :) Although I should mind my own business living the epi"center" in the USA.

Urban Cowboy said...

This was just me doing an example of what could be done. The numbers and red dots are made up.