Tuesday 2 June 2020

And The Hits Just Keep On Coming

Just when contact tracing has been identified as critical to stopping transmission of COVID-19, the CBC reported that 700 Toronto cases were never flagged to public health officials - so they didn't do any contact tracing.

[Click picture to enlarge.]

This was due to a "mix-up" between two hospitals.  Oopsie! 

No biggie.  Toronto is not the epicentre of the virus in Ontario.  Oh, it is?

Apparently, each hospital thought the other was to report the cases.

I would think that would be a pretty basic issue to have ironed out by now.  But that's Toronto.

Speaking of Toronto, it was responsible for almost 80% of the new Ontario cases yesterday.

Which saw another jump in cases (and not because of the 700).  Just...because.

Although yesterday Toronto had some help.

Several migrant workers (outside of Toronto) tested positive.  So wash your tomatoes.

Overall, Canada not doing too bad.

And deaths yesterday were at the lowest level since early April.

The day before, not so much.  Quebec had their own reporting mix-up - they called it a "data transmission error" - in that 202 deaths had been missed.  What we have here is a failure to transmit.

So as a result of Toronto's new cases, the infamous 700 and just the general belief Toronto has no handle on this, the provincial state of emergency is to be extended to the end of June. So no groups larger than 5, no outdoor playground or pools and no restaurant openings.

Don't know if all students will have detention or just the miscreants from Toronto.

[ A selection from Joe Martin's Mr. Boffo.]


Gordon Tripe said...

Detention perhaps? I know a lot of Mr. Boffo's characters didn't have teeth, but .........

Urban Cowboy said...

Tough crowd. I don't remember you getting any A+ in high school spelling.