Wednesday 3 June 2020

"Elizabeth, I'm Coming!"

Holy smokes.  There is something wrong with Ontario.

[As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

Everywhere else in Canada COVID-19 has been effectively contained.

Even disease wracked Quebec seems to have effectively turned the corner.

But Ontario just keeps plodding along.

Usually Toronto is the scofflaw.  With yesterday's 446 new cases, though, they had some help.

A lot of help.

The new cases (in black) look to be spreading like, well, an infection.  All through the farm belt of southwestern Ontario.

This is being attributed to seasonal agricultural workers (migrant workers). Living in tight quarters, working closely together, perhaps afraid to report that they are sick.  But this is starting to cramp my summer plans!

So what do you do....?

If only it was that easy.

[Joe Martin's Mr. Boffo.]


Rob Greenfield said...

Nice Redd Fox line, Elizabeth

Urban Cowboy said...

Glad you got that.