Saturday 6 June 2020

There's Something about the GTA

So after showing the downward trend in new COVID cases in Canada yesterday (current chart below showing same continued trend)....

...I showed a chart of Ontario's COVID rate compared to the rest of Canada.  I shouldn't have slagged all of Ontario, though.

Here is the same chart, but showing the greater Toronto area (GTA) compared to the rest of Canada (ROC).

Good God, Maude, what the hey is going on?

(This chart shows cases / million population)

Sure, Ontario is testing more, but the percentage of positive tests is decreasing.

Anyway, before opening up the rest of the province, I think the Premier is going to want to put one of his iron rings around the GTA.  To keep infection in, not out!

[FYI, the Premier had previously said he wanted to put an iron ring around long term care homes to keep infection out.]

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