Thursday 11 June 2020

June 10th COVID Stats

So new COVID cases in Canada.....

....continuing their downward trend.  With Ontario looking to have established a new (lower) baseline.

And also look like the GTA also has finally gotten - and read - the memo.

So I just dusted off and tried on my patio shorts.  Oooo..they're nice and snug.

Maybe this lockdown will be over sooner rather than later.

And that may be good as I was reading in the paper today that one journalist was having real difficulty as we enter Week 13 COVID lockdown. 

He said he was thinking of Osama Bin Laden, who was corrnered in his house with his three wives for five years. He said he's now wondering if Bin Laden called in those Navy Seals himself.

Hey!  Don't shoot the messenger.


Patricia said...

Excellent! Also saw the barrier to the Naples Pier..."there it was, Gone!" :)

Urban Cowboy said...

You are correct, Madame. Looks really good. Til the guys from the GTA show up.....