Friday 12 June 2020

Ding Ding - Patio Shorts?

New COVID cases in Canada - steady as she goes.  Ontario...?

Wow, finally reached that mythical target number.  For one day anyway.

Can we declare victory and end the patio'less lock-down?

Well.....before we get a bruise patting ourselves on the back, let's consider some other jurisdictions that released the hounds, perhaps a little early.

Texas was looking good....  Yee haa, l'il buddy!

...until they eased the lock-down. 

Damn, y'all know I feel lower than a gopher hole.

And folks down in the Sunshine State were starving for, well, sunshine. Things were looking good once all those snowbird left....

But maybe they should have stuck to getting their sunshine from a bottle. Because after the Memorial Day weekend.....


California had never been looking good.

And still isn't.

New York State was the basket case for the US for a long time.  But now, looked to have turned the corner.

Will be very interesting to watch as its residents return to a New York state of mind.

And for those in other precincts, close by.....

...New Jersey's trend looks similar to their next door neighbour.  Let's keep an eye on them.

In the meantime, continue with the social distancing and mask wearing. Folks are certainly trying to be helpful.....

Some more than others......

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