Thursday 18 June 2020

June 17th COVID-19 Stats

New cases in Canada  trend still downwards, although a bit of a toe stub yesterday.

[Click on any graph to better see toe stub.]

Our friends in Alberta helping out here over the past week.....

And amazingly - well amazingly considering where they were a month ago - Quebec (they were off the charts) has almost caught up to Ontario.

And Ontario, as we know, is a tale of two solitudes; one clean as a whistle, the other down and dirty.  And different parts of down and dirty Toronto are downer and dirtier.

Here is a map of Toronto divided into five groups.  And the chart below that shows the differences in rates among those groups.

Amazing how different parts of the same city can be.

And also amazing, how different rates are even within the same area.  Here is a break down on the hardest hit area, Group 1.

Boy, somebody needs a hug.  No, that's not the way.

Crunching all these numbers have my head in a daze.  I'm sure they're all correct, though.

Pretty sure....

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