Wednesday 6 May 2020

Are You Kidding Me?

Well in that case, let's go right to the COVID stats.  Starting with new cases yesterday......

[As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

Well, except for Quebec's speed wobble three days ago, trend is going in the right direction.  Let's see how Ontario is doing.

Also going in the right direction.  This weekend will be critical.  Luckily we're expecting snow, so that may keep people inside.

Deaths yesterday.....

Wow, with almost another 120 in Quebec.  Looking at death rate provincially.

I'm glad I don't speak French.


Gordon Tripe said...

Um, still using Paint for your graphics? Okay, boomer. Our standards are higher now. For humour, I mean.

Urban Cowboy said...

Sorry to disappoint you - PowerPoint. And not sorry on the second part.