Thursday 7 May 2020

Only In Canada, Eh? Part Deaux

Increased COVID-19 testing?

More PPE?

Extended social distancing requirements?


When pandemic times get tough in Ontario, what's the solution?

Cheaper booze!  Take it home and drink it!

And turn up the heat.  And this weekend, we'll need it.

So yesterday's COVID stats, starting with new cases.

[As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

Well, still a drop from recent times, but not from yesterday.  Mainly thanks to Quebec with over 900 new cases.  But overall looking at lot better.

Deaths remain stubbornly high.

So let's put this in perspective.  Ontario had 400 cases yesterday.  If we conservatively say half were in long term care homes, that means 200 cases came from the other 14 million of us,  Not bad odds.

Now I'm a believer in taking it low and slow, just like that proverbial chicken on the BBQ, but I think it's time to release the hounds.  Responsibly, of course.

I read of a city in the US that closed some roads so that restaurants could spread their patios out into the streets.  Great idea.

And from the "Don't Blink" file......

My Dad - who was from Saskatchewan - when asked, would describe Canadian weather as ten months of winter and two months of poor sledding.

And with snow forecast for Mother's Day, he may not be far off.

1 comment:

Rob Greenfield said...

I woke up at 7am this morning, rolled over, looked outside, saw snow on the ground, rolled over and went back to sleep till just now, 9is as it's now +2C and the snow is melting, slowly. The forecast calls for 2-4 inches of snow tonight, sheesh