Saturday 9 May 2020

May 8th COVID Stats

So although the 7 day average of new cases is heading in the right direction.....

[As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

...the last few days have been going in the wrong direction.

One reason may be that testing has increased. Here is a chart comparing 7 day averages for new cases and daily tests.

So testing has been increasing and new cases has been holding pretty steady.  That's actually good news. Once that Quebec brain cramp from six days ago gets out of the average, it should look even better.

Let's drill down to Ontario.

What the hey?

Ontario's cases increased by almost 100!  It's supposed to be going the other way.  I've been wearing my suddenly tightie-tight patio shorts around the house the last few days in anticipation of getting outside!  Come on!

So who is not social distancing? Well, I can tell you some people who are not.

We have a drug respite shelter down the street.  And they have also set up a tent city in the parkette next door.

So if these guys are not screaming obscenities at each other, they are in a circle swilling hooch.

I think our medical director of health needs to amend her daily directives by adding one;
  • wash your hand(s) frequently
  • avoid touching your face, and
  • don't swig from the same bottle of Thunderbird!
Do I have to think of everything?


Gordon Tripe said...

Wash your "hand" frequently? Are these guys members of some one armed gang of drug addicts?

Urban Cowboy said...

Dang, you're good.