Friday 15 May 2020

"Who Won't Wear The Ribbon?"

[Click picture to enlarge.]

So to paraphrase that Seinfeld line to today;  "Who Won't Do The Social Distancing?"

So who?  Let's find out.

I previously showed this chart of cases / 100,000 population for Ontario's 34 Health Units.

So several regions in red have high caseloads. But let's break that down even more.

[Click to enlarge.]

So no big surprise, Toronto doesn't look to be doing it - social distancing that is, leading the pack at 231 cases/100,000 population.

But to put that in perspective, the entire province of Quebec is at 474.  And Montreal?  1,000 cases per 100,000 population.  Five times the rate of Toronto.

But still.....  Let's look at Ontario's new cases from yesterday.

Sweet mama, that social distancing seems to be working. Let's look at Canada.

Not bad.  But big challenges still lay ahead.

Yesterday, a Comment'er posted that it's going to be hard keeping people in check much longer.  And with the May 2-4 weekend upon us, if you have little self control - like yesterday's comment'er - we could see a big spike in a week or so.

Say it ain't so, Joe.

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