Friday 1 May 2020

End Of April COVID Stats

Kind of treading water on number of new Canadian cases.

[As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

So are you a glass is half full or half empty person?  Either way, need a lot better progress than that if you hope to see me in my suddenly tighty-tight patio shorts any time soon.

Deaths yesterday took a heartbreaking leap.

Highest one day total for Canada.  Quebec again leading the way with 98 deaths, but Ontario jumped to 86 fatalities.

If we combine the two measures and look at them on a per capita basis, with deaths/million population on the horizontal axis and cases/million on the vertical axis......

....not surprisingly, Quebec is all by itself in the upper right corner.  No other province even is at the Canadian average.

What's that old expression, he's really dragging down the average.  Well, Quebec is really dragging up the average.  And they are about to re-open their businesses.   Right next to Ontario.

Here is a cartoon from today's Toronto Star by Theo Moudakis that captures that sentiment.

To complete the trifecta, he could have even placed that sign on Manitoba, on Ontario's western border. Our Premier said yesterday, I love people from Quebec and Manitoba and the US.  But stay away!

Oh, do I have to do everything!

1 comment:

Gordon Tripe said...

Yes, Jim, you have to do everything.