Saturday 23 May 2020

Sweet Baby Jesus!

Three days of increases in a row.  And almost two weeks since we hit our low back on May 10th.  Oh, those were the good old days.  The curve had been trending down for over two weeks.

And then - the last two weeks.

So is there some kind of big make-out party going on that I haven't been invited to?

441 new COVID cases in Ontario yesterday, with 360 in - guess - the greater Toronto area.

We need to get back to more of this - neighbours looking out for neighbours.....

Holy cow!  Joggers.......


Patricia said...

Are the increasing numbers based on more testing, more results?

Urban Cowboy said...

Good question, but no, testing has actually dropped to very low levels in the last weeks. Driving the pols crazy. Trudeau said the feds will step in to get testing back up to required levels.

Gordon Tripe said...

I’ll feel better when there are lines of people waiting patiently for their vaccine. And similar lines of people waiting to be RE-TESTED.