Friday 22 May 2020

Jeez Louise

Another 413 new COVID cases in Ontario yesterday, with the focus again on Toronto; 327 in the greater Toronto area. [As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

But the discouraging part is, the government says - unlike virtually all the other provinces - they don't even know where or why these cases are occurring.  Whereas in other provinces people are getting  their patio shorts out - or on! -  we don't even know why the increases are occurring.

Well I do.  I look out the window.  And unless Toronto has the largest average family size in Canada, lots of people are not social distancing.   And it doesn't look like they even care.

Yesterday I saw three businessmen coming out of a store, at the same time.  Two feet apart, laughing, talking to each other, taking up the sidewalk and, of course, no masks.

I don't think they live together.  I walked out onto the street to get around them.  And gave them the evil stink eye! I'm pretty sure they won't be doing that again. [Ed. note: would you also like a pony?]

Now the health officials aren't a bunch of nincompoops.  The reason they can't tell when or where these cases are occurring is that when interviewed, infected people forthright with their answers.

"Have you been social distancing?"  "Oh, yes."
"How did you catch this?"                "Oh, I don't know."

So maybe the old expression can be modified to; a watched curve never flattens.  Let's find out.


northerndreamer said...

Couldn't agree more Jim. Had to go to my Crappy Tire for a new broom and mop (reno dust...yuck). It's like lock down is over on the roads, long lines outside the store...and my first anti-vaxxer. He started a conversation with me in line because I was wearing a mask and he wasn't...something about how mask wearers believe in vaccines and non-wearers don't. Good luck buddy...the law of probability should bite you in the ass sooner than later.

northerndreamer said...

PS...I'm predicting a similar jump in numbers in Ottawa in the coming days.