Sunday 10 May 2020

Ontario All The Time

Here is a COVID-19 view drilling down into some Ontario details.  [If you'd like to see some other views, get you own blog!]

This is a map of per capita cases (cases / 100,000 population) by region within Ontario.

[As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

The darker the colour, the higher the rate.

Not surprisingly the denser, urban areas are red, with the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) having the highest, 3rd, 6th & 9th, rate of cases.

But there are a few outliers.

The second highest rate is in low density county of Leeds-Grenville (to the far right).  I've wasted many of a fine weekend there. Boots on the ground the attribute the high rate to those damn old people.  Being a nice retirement area for Ottawa, lot of old folks homes. 

Another low density surprise, coming in at #4, is the north shore of Lake Erie.  Perhaps another nice retirement area, for the GTA this time.  The other red areas are scattered throughout southern parts of the province.

At the other end of the spectrum - coming in at 34 out of 34 health units - is North Bay, tucked in there at the top of the map. 

Lowest rate in the province.   Ten times lower than the provincial average!  What?  Doesn't anybody retire there?

So with that background, let's look at yesterday's stats.  Starting with new cases....

Continued progress.  I'm thinking tomorrow, fingers crossed, will see a larger improvement.


Baby steps.....

And if death can ever be good news story......

I guess those old folks in Leeds-Grenville must be getting healthier.  I'm glad I didn't attribute the decline to something else.....

1 comment:

Rob Greenfield said...

all good, so far, up here in the Bay